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API Key Setup

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General Info

General API Information

HTTP Return Codes

Error Codes and Messages

General Information on Endpoints


General Info on Limits

IP Limits

/sapi/ Limit Introduction

The /sapi/* endpoints adopt either of two access limiting rules, IP limits or UID (account) limits.

Endpoint security type

Security Type Description
NONE Endpoint can be accessed freely.
TRADE Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.
USER_DATA Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.


Timing security

The logic is as follows:

  if (timestamp < (serverTime + 1000) && (serverTime - timestamp) <= recvWindow)
    // process request
    // reject request

Serious trading is about timing. Networks can be unstable and unreliable, which can lead to requests taking varying amounts of time to reach the servers. With recvWindow, you can specify that the request must be processed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by the server.

SIGNED Endpoint Examples for POST /sapi/v1/c2c/ads/getDetailByNo

Here is a step-by-step example of how to send a vaild signed payload from the Linux command line using echo, openssl, and curl.

Key Value
apiKey dbefbc809e3e83c283a984c3a1459732ea7db1360ca80c5c2c8867408d28cc83
secretKey 2b5eb11e18796d12d88f13dc27dbbd02c2cc51ff7059765ed9821957d82bb4d9
Parameter Value
adsNo 10191633467710386176
timestamp 1591702613943

Example 1: As a request body

Example 1

HMAC SHA256 signature:

    $ echo -n "adsNo=10191633467710386176&timestamp=1591702613943" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "2b5eb11e18796d12d88f13dc27dbbd02c2cc51ff7059765ed9821957d82bb4d9"
    (stdin)=  3c661234138461fcc7a7d8746c6558c9842d4e10870d2ecbedf7777cad694af9

curl command:

    (HMAC SHA256)
    $ curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: dbefbc809e3e83c283a984c3a1459732ea7db1360ca80c5c2c8867408d28cc83" -X POST 'https://api.pexpay.com/sapi/v1/c2c/ads/getDetailByNo' -d 'sadsNo=10191633467710386176&timestamp=1591702613943&signature=3c661234138461fcc7a7d8746c6558c9842d4e10870d2ecbedf7777cad694af9'

Example 2: As a query string

Example 2

HMAC SHA256 signature:

    $ echo -n "adsNo=10191633467710386176&timestamp=1591702613943" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "2b5eb11e18796d12d88f13dc27dbbd02c2cc51ff7059765ed9821957d82bb4d9"
    (stdin)= 3c661234138461fcc7a7d8746c6558c9842d4e10870d2ecbedf7777cad694af9

curl command:

    (HMAC SHA256)
   $ curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: dbefbc809e3e83c283a984c3a1459732ea7db1360ca80c5c2c8867408d28cc83" -X POST 'https://api.pexpay.com/sapi/v1/c2c/ads/getDetailByNo?adsNo=10191633467710386176&timestamp=1591702613943&signature=3c661234138461fcc7a7d8746c6558c9842d4e10870d2ecbedf7777cad694af9'

Public API Definitions


These terms will be used throughout the documentation, so it is recommended especially for new users to read to help their understanding of the API.

ENUM definitions

Order status (P2P order related):

Status Description
1 Trade was successfully created, waiting for buyer’s payment.
2 Buyer has made payment, waiting for final payment confirmation from the seller.
3 Seller has received the buyer’s payment, our system is still processing the trade (there must be an issue with our server).
4 Order has been completed.
5 The trade is under dispute.
6 Order has been cancelled by buyer.
7 Order has been created, buyer has not made payment for the order within the expiry time.

Reason code for canceling orders (P2P order related):

Status Description
6 Seller is not active.
7 This seller's trading condition is not suitable for me.
8 Suspect seller of fraud.
9 Seller refunded and asked me to cancel.
10 Price is too expensive
11 I'm new and don't know how to do p2p trading
5 Other reasons

Ad status (P2P ad related):

Status Description
1 Active.
3 Inactive (ad isn't live on the site, but can be switched on).
4 Closed (ad has expired; it isn't live on the site and cannot be switched on).

Ad priceType (P2P ad related):

Status Description
1 The price is fixed and does not move with the market price of the crypto.
2 The price fluctuates with the market price of the crypto.

P2P Endpoints

Get History Order By Page (USER_DATA)

GET /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/listUserOrderHistory?endTimestamp=32432543543543&page=1&rows=10&startTimestamp=12321321213&tradeType=BUY

Query Parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Description
tradeType String NO Possible options: "BUY", "SELL"
startTimestamp Long NO Earliest timestamp (in miliseconds) for orders to be filtered
endTimestamp Long NO Latest timestamp (in miliseconds) for orders to be filtered
page Integer NO Page requested, default and minimum values equal to 1
rows Integer NO Maximum number of items per page, default and minimum values equal to 1, maximum value equal to 100
order String NO Which field to sort
sort String NO Possible options: "Asc", "Desc"


    "code": "000000",
    "message": "success",
    "data": [
      "orderNumber": "20466367873332568064",
      "adNo": "11461232745961476096",
      "tradeType": "SELL",
      "asset": "USDT",
      "fiat": "CNY",
      "fiatSymbol": "",
      "amount": "15.38000000",
      "totalPrice": "100.00000000",
      "unitPrice": "6.5",
      "orderStatus": "COMPLETED",
      "createTime": 1678184770000,
      "commission": "0",
      "counterPartNickName": "nkq***",
      "advertisementRole": "MAKER"
    "total": 1,
    "success": true

Get Order By Page (USER_DATA)


  "adNo": "11290172664500584448",
  "asset": "USDT",
  "tradeType": "BUY",
  "page": 1,
  "rows": 10

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/listOrders


Name Type Mandatory Description
adNo String NO Unique ID of the ad
asset String NO Crypto asset e.g. BTC
orderStatus Integer No Possible options: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"
tradeType String NO Possible options: "BUY", "SELL"
payType Integer NO The payment method supported for the transaction e.g. 'WECHAT'
orderStatusList Integer List NO Order status list
startDate Long NO Earliest timestamp (in miliseconds) for orders to be filtered
endDate Long NO Latest timestamp (in miliseconds) for orders to be filtered
page Integer YES Page requested, minimum value equal to 1
rows Integer YES Maximum number of items per page, minimum value equal to 1 , maximum value equal to 2000
order String NO Which field to sort
sort String NO Possible options: "Asc", "Desc"


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": [
      "orderNumber": "20466277377803218944",
      "adNo": "11466072390272757760",
      "tradeType": "SELL",
      "asset": "USDT",
      "fiat": "CNY",
      "fiatSymbol": "",
      "amount": "136.61000000",
      "totalPrice": "1000.00000000",
      "orderStatus": 0,
      "createTime": 1678163194000,
      "currencyTicketSize": "0.01",
      "assetTicketSize": "0.01",
      "priceTicketSize": "0.01",
      "sellerNickname": "nkaa",
      "buyerNickname": "50qas",
      "notifyPayEndTime": 1678164094000,
      "chatUnreadCount": 0,
      "commissionRate": "0",
      "commission": "0",
      "tradeMethodCommissionRateVoList": [
          "tradeMethodIdentifier": "BANK",
          "tradeMethodName": "Bank Transfer",
          "commissionRate": "0"
          "total": 1,
          "success": true

List All Of Valid Payment Methods (NONE)


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": [
      "identifier": "BANK",
      "name": "Bank Transfer",
      "shortName": "Bank Transfer",
      "risk": "Please make sure you add your bank card number for instant payments.  Do not include details of other banks or payment methods. You must add the payment details of the selected bank.",
      "typeName": "银行转账",
      "typeCode": "bank",
      "riskLevel": 1,
      "isVisible": 1,
      "multiAllow": 1,
      "remark": "(null)",
      "sequence": 10
      "identifier": "ALIPAY",
      "name": "Alipay",
      "shortName": "Alipay",
      "typeName": "网络钱包",
      "typeCode": "web-wallet",
      "riskLevel": 0,
      "isVisible": 1,
      "multiAllow": 1,
      "remark": "(null)",
      "sequence": 20
          "success": true

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/paymentMethod/listAll(USER_DATA)


Get All Applicable Ads Classify (USER_DATA)


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": {
    "adClassifies": [
  "success": true

GET /sapi/v1/c2c/ad/getAvailableAdClassify


Get Ads Reference Price (NONE)


  "assets": [
          "fiatCurrency": "TWD",
          "payType": "BANK",
          "tradeType": "BUY"

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/ad/getReferencePrice


Name Type Required Description
assets List String YES Cryptocurrency e.g. BTC
fiatCurrency String YES Fiat currency e.g. USD
payType String NO Payment methods e.g. "BANK", "WECHAT"
tradeType String YES Possible options: "BUY", "SELL"


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": [
      "asset": "USDT",
      "currency": "TWD",
      "currencyScale": 2,
      "currencySymbol": "",
      "referencePrice": "31.06",
      "assetScale": 2,
      "priceScale": 2
          "success": true

Get Ads Detail (USER_DATA)


  "adNo": "11218246497340923904"

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/ad/getDetailByNo


Name Type Required Description
adNo String YES Unique ID of the ad


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": {
    "adNo": "11421763242363183104",
            "classify": "profession",
            "tradeType": "BUY",
            "asset": "USDT",
            "fiatUnit": "TWD",
            "priceType": 1,
            "priceFloatingRatio": "100.00000000",
            "rateFloatingRatio": "0.00000000",
            "price": "32.00",
            "initAmount": "10000.00000000",
            "surplusAmount": "10000.00000000",
            "maxSingleTransAmount": "100000",
            "minSingleTransAmount": "1000",
            "buyerKycLimit": 1,
            "buyerRegDaysLimit": -1,
            "buyerBtcPositionLimit": "-1.00000000",
            "payTimeLimit": 15,
            "tradeMethods": [
        "identifier": "BANK",
        "iconUrlColor": "https://static.devfdg.net/image/admin_mgs_image_upload/20200612/8b6fcda1-1285-486b-ad79-07156420459d.png",
        "tradeMethodName": "Bank Transfer"
            "createTime": 1667550197000,
            "tradableQuantity": "10000",
            "commissionRate": "0",
            "tradeMethodCommissionRateVoList": [
        "tradeMethodIdentifier": "BANK",
        "tradeMethodName": "银行卡",
        "commissionRate": "0"
            "assetLogo": "https://res.pxpstatic.com/image/c2c/icons/crypto/usdt.png",
            "assetScale": 2,
            "fiatScale": 2,
            "priceScale": 2,
            "fiatSymbol": ""
  "success": true

Get Ads List (USER_DATA)


  "adStatus": 1,
          "asset": "USDT",

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/ad/listWithPagination


Name Type Required Description
advNo String YES Unique ID of the ad
adStatus String NO Possible options: "1", "3", "4"
asset String NO Crypto asset e.g. BTC
tradeType String YES Possible options: "BUY", "SELL"
startDate String YES Earliest timestamp for ads to be filtered
endDate String YES Latest timestamp for ads to be filtered
fiatUnit String YES Fiat currency
page String YES Page requested
rows String YES Maximum number of items per page


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": [
      "adNo": "11425741454814470144",
      "classify": "profession",
      "tradeType": "SELL",
      "asset": "USDT",
      "fiatUnit": "TWD",
      "advStatus": 1,
      "priceType": 1,
      "price": "31.60",
      "initAmount": "3182.58000000",
      "surplusAmount": "2549.67000000",
      "maxSingleTransAmount": "500000",
      "minSingleTransAmount": "5000",
      "buyerKycLimit": 1,
      "buyerRegDaysLimit": -1,
      "buyerBtcPositionLimit": "-1.00000000",
      "remarks": "",
      "autoReplyMsg": "",
      "payTimeLimit": 15,
      "tradeMethods": [
          "payId": 86247,
          "identifier": "BANK",
          "iconUrlColor": "https://static.devfdg.net/image/admin_mgs_image_upload/20200612/8b6fcda1-1285-486b-ad79-07156420459d.png",
          "tradeMethodName": "Bank Transfer"
      "createTime": 1668498676000,
      "advUpdateTime": 1668498677000,
      "advVisibleRet": {
        "userSetVisible": 1,
        "orderFlowVisible": 1,
        "surplusAmountVisible": 1
      "assetScale": 2,
      "fiatScale": 2,
      "priceScale": 2,
      "fiatSymbol": ""
          "total": 1,
          "success": true

Post An Ad (TRADE)



POST /sapi/v1/c2c/ad/post


Name Type Required Description
asset String YES Cryptocurrency e.g. BTC
classify String YES Possible options: "mass", "profession"
fiatUnit String YES Fiat currency e.g. USD
initAmount String YES Desired amount of cryptocurrency to be traded
maxSingleTransAmount String YES The maximum order size for this fiat currency
minSingleTransAmount String YES The minimum order size for this fiat currency
onlineNow Boolean YES Post ad online now (rather than scheduling for a later date)
payTimeLimit Integer YES Payment time limit (from the beginning of the transaction)
price String YES Price in fiat currency
priceType Integer YES Possible options: "1", "2" 1-fixed, 2-floating
tradeType String YES Possible options: "BUY", "SELL"
priceFloatingRatio String YES If priceType = floating, it's the range of acceptable prices
tradeMethods List YES Payment method details
buyerRegDaysLimit Integer NO Minimum number of days that the taker has been registered. If not filled, no limit.
buyerBtcPositionLimit String NO The minimum total value of cryptocurrency held by the taker (calculated in BTC).
remarks String NO Remarks
autoReplyMsg String NO Auto reply


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": "11425800822686646272",
          "success": true

Update Ads (TRADE)



POST /sapi/v1/c2c/ad/update


Name Type Required Description
adNo String YES Unique ID of the ad
adStatus Integer NO Possible options: "1", "3", "4"
initAmount String NO Desired amount of cryptocurrency to be traded
maxSingleTransAmount String NO Upper limit of the transaction (calculated in fiat currency).
minSingleTransAmount String NO Lower limit of the transaction (calculated in fiat currency).
payTimeLimit Integer NO Payment time limit (from the beginning of the transaction)
price String NO Price in fiat currency
priceFloatingRatio String NO If priceType = floating, it's the range of acceptable prices
tradeMethods List NO Payment method details
buyerRegDaysLimit Integer NO Minimum number of days that the taker has been registered. If not filled, no limit.
buyerBtcPositionLimit String NO The minimum total value of cryptocurrency held by the taker (calculated in BTC)
remarks String NO Remarks
autoReplyMsg String NO Auto reply


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": true,
          "success": true

Update Ads Status (TRADE)



POST /sapi/v1/c2c/ad/updateStatus


Name Type Required Description
adStatus Integer YES Possible options: "1", "3", "4"
adNo String YES Unique ID of the ad



Search Ads with Condition (NONE)


  "asset": "USDT",
          "fiatUnit": "CNY",
          "page": 1,
          "rows": 10,
          "tradeType": "SELL"

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/ad/search


Name Type Required Description
asset String YES Cryptocurrency e.g. BTC
fiatUnit String YES Fiat currency
tradeType String YES Possible options: "BUY", "SELL"
payTypes List NO Payment method
publisherType String NO Possible options: "merchant", "user"
transAmount String YES Amount of fiat currency that this trade includes


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": [
      "adv": {
        "adNo": "11425762971874607104",
        "classify": "profession",
        "tradeType": "BUY",
        "asset": "USDT",
        "fiatUnit": "CNY",
        "price": "7.15",
        "initAmount": "46665.33000000",
        "surplusAmount": "13000.00",
        "maxSingleTransAmount": "99000.00",
        "minSingleTransAmount": "30000.00",
        "tradeMethods": [
            "identifier": "BANK",
            "iconUrlColor": "https://static.devfdg.net/image/admin_mgs_image_upload/20200612/8b6fcda1-1285-486b-ad79-07156420459d.png",
            "tradeMethodName": "Bank Transfer"
        "assetScale": 2,
        "fiatScale": 2,
        "priceScale": 2,
        "fiatSymbol": "",
        "isTradable": true,
        "dynamicMaxSingleTransAmount": "92950.00",
        "minSingleTransQuantity": "4195.80",
        "maxSingleTransQuantity": "13846.15",
        "dynamicMaxSingleTransQuantity": "13000.00"
      "advertiser": {
        "userNo": "sc5e25c51d0fc37cbbb074de1fa52aa0b",
        "nickName": "xxx",
        "userType": "merchant",
        "tagIconUrls": []
          "total": 1,
          "success": true

P2P Place An Order (TRADE)


  "adNo": "11445651369269137408",
          "asset": "USDT",
          "buyType": "BY_MONEY",
          "fiatUnit": "CNY",
          "totalAmount": 10,
          "tradeType": "BUY"

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/placeOrder


Name Type Required Description
asset String YES Cryptocurrency e.g. BTC
fiatUnit String YES Fiat currency
tradeType String YES Possible options: "BUY", "SELL"
buyType String YES Possible options: "BY_MONEY", "BY_AMOUNT", "BY_MONEY"-quantity of fiat currency,"BY_AMOUNT"-quantity of cryptocurrency
totalAmount BigDecimal yes The amount of Fiat currency/Cryptocurrency that this trade includes
payId Long NO Only required when placing a sell order,it's the ID of the payment method
payType String NO Only required when placing a buy order,it's the payment method supported for the transaction e.g. 'WECHAT'
adNo String YES The unique ID of the target ad


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": {
    "orderNo": "20456853414085775360",
            "adNo": "11445651369269137408",
            "buyerNickname": "pe*****.com",
            "buyerName": "R150Bob",
            "sellerNickname": "BobN151",
            "sellerName": "est2T",
            "tradeType": "BUY",
            "payMethods": [
        "id": 342,
        "identifier": "BANK",
        "tradeMethodName": "Bank Transfer",
        "fields": [
            "fieldId": "0000000000000000001",
            "fieldName": "Name",
            "fieldContentType": "payee",
            "restrictionType": 0,
            "lengthLimit": 100,
            "isRequired": 1,
            "fieldValue": "R151Bob"
            "fieldId": "0000000000000000002",
            "fieldName": "Bank account number",
            "fieldContentType": "pay_account",
            "restrictionType": 0,
            "lengthLimit": 100,
            "isRequired": 1,
            "fieldValue": "1212"
            "fieldId": "0000000000000000006",
            "fieldName": "Bank name",
            "fieldContentType": "bank",
            "restrictionType": 0,
            "lengthLimit": 100,
            "isRequired": 1,
            "fieldValue": "121"
            "fieldId": "0000000000000000007",
            "fieldName": "Account opening branch",
            "fieldContentType": "sub_bank",
            "restrictionType": 0,
            "lengthLimit": 100,
            "isRequired": 0,
            "fieldValue": ""
        "iconUrlColor": "/image/admin_mgs_image_upload/20200612/8b6fcda1-1285-486b-ad79-07156420459d.png"
            "selectedPayId": 0,
            "asset": "USDT",
            "fiatUnit": "CNY",
            "amount": "1.47000000",
            "price": "6.78000000",
            "totalPrice": "10.00000000",
            "orderStatus": 1,
            "remark": "",
            "createTime": 1675916346000,
            "notifyPayEndTime": 1675917246000,
            "confirmPayTimeout": 0,
            "allowComplainEndTime": 1678508346000,
            "fiatTicketSize": "0.01",
            "assetTicketSize": "0.01",
            "priceTicketSize": "0.01",
            "notifyPayedExpireMinute": 15,
            "confirmPayedExpireMinute": 15,
            "currencyRate": "6.78396132",
            "canCancelComplaintOrder": false
  "success": true

Mark Order As Paid (TRADE)


  "orderNo": "20456854342616600576",
          "payId": 342

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/markOrderAsPaid


Name Type Required Description
orderNo String YES Unique ID for the the order
payId Long NO Only required when placing a buy order,it's the ID of the payment method


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "data": {
    "orderNo": "20456854342616600576",
            "orderStatus": 2,
            "notifyPayTime": 1675916586162,
            "confirmPayEndTime": 1675917486162,
            "selectedPayId": 342
  "success": true

Release Cryptocurrency (TRADE)


  "orderNo": "20456854342616600576"

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/releaseCoin


Name Type Required Description
orderNo String YES Unique ID for the the order


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "success": true

Cancel Order (TRADE)


  "orderCancelAdditionalInfo": "",
          "orderCancelReasonCode": 1,
          "orderNo": "20456853414085775360"

POST /sapi/v1/c2c/orderMatch/cancelOrder


Name Type Required Description
orderNo String YES Unique ID for the the order
orderCancelReasonCode Integer NO Reason codes,possible options: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"
orderCancelAdditionalInfo String NO If you selected '5. Other,' you may use this field to submit additional information as to your reason for cancellation.


  "code": "000000",
          "message": "success",
          "success": true

Error Codes

The error JSON payload:

  "code": ${error code},
  "msg": "error message."

Errors consist of two parts: an error code and a message. Codes are universal (refer to core issue), but messages can vary (refer to details of core issue).

10xx - General Server or Network Issues















-1099 Not found, authenticated, or authorized